NEW YORK (Reuters)- Verizon Wireless said on Thursday that some employees had gainedunauthorized access and viewed a personal cell phone account held byPresident-elect Barack Obama that is now inactive.
An Obama aide said his voice-mail messages and e-mails were not breached in the incident.
"We were notified yesterday that employees had accessed the recordsof an old cell phone no longer in use," the Obama aide said. "No voiceor e-mails were listened to or read."
The company said the device in question was a simple voice phone,not a Blackberry or other device designed for e-mail or other dataservices.
In a statement, Verizon Wireless President and Chief ExecutiveLowell McAdam apologized to Obama and said all employees who had hadaccess to Obama’s account, whether authorized or not, were put onimmediate leave with pay.
Telecom analyst Michael King of Gartner said that a telephoneemployee accessing billing information could likely see the numbers acustomer had called, how long conversations with those people were andwhen he called them.
King said he could not recall a high-profile case where an employeehad unauthorized access to records and that recent public casesinvolved company outsiders finding ways to check other people’s records.
Verizon said it will soon impose disciplinary action against those who accessed Obama’s account improperly.
Asked to disclose exactly what kind of information was viewed, theduration and frequency of the unauthorized access, Verizon Wirelessspokesman Jeffrey Nelson declined comment beyond the company’sstatement.
Verizon Wireless is a venture of Verizon Communications and Vodafone Group Plc.
(Reporting by Phil Wahba; Additional reporting by Sinead Carew, Editing by Todd Eastham and Philip Barbara)
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