That’s our motto, and we’re sticking to it.
Baseline is dedicated to helping business and technology managers and executives work together to achieve their business and IT goals, improve the ROI on their technology investments, and, ultimately, have a positive impact on business performance and the bottom line.
We search high and low for stories, statistics, information, tools, and breaking news that helps business owners leverage technological advancements to thrive in the global marketplace. If you’ve come across anything related to technology that helped you provide a boost to your bottom line, share your expertise with our like-minded readership.
Our editors at Baseline work tirelessly to provide our readers with the most relevant and recent business technology information. We work with influencers and industry experts to help you implement technology into your business.
To maintain objectivity, we don’t accept sponsorships or commissions for promoting specific tech products or free services in exchange for favorable reviews. We provide unbiased opinions and expert insights to inform our audience.
Your technology strategy should serve your business for years to come, which involves ongoing costs and updates. That’s why we don’t just focus on initial implementations. Instead, we gather first-hand data on the long-term expenses associated with maintenance fees, scalability requirements, and potential upgrade costs you can expect.
We are committed to providing honest assessments – especially if a solution fails to meet expectations. Our publication is an independent technology resource that doesn’t accept payment for positive reviews.
We continuously seek ways to enhance our analysis, from developing new benchmarks for software performance to upgrading our software assessment tools. If you’d like to suggest technology solutions or strategies we should evaluate or have any feedback for us, please reach out or join our online forum.