Author: Regina Kwon

Network Impact of a Merger

The diagrams in the download to your left illustrate a series of the tasks companies take on when combining networks after a merger. The download

Cleansing and Migrating Data

This chart and timeline show the total costs of cleansing multiple databases and migrating the information to a data warehouse. The example is based on

Upgrading from SAP R/3 to mySAP

This timeline and chart show the tasks and labor costs involved in upgrading a core enterprise application systemfrom a client/server architecture to a Web-based one.

Containing the Pain of Scope Creep

Cost overruns. Delays. Infighting. Most problems in the development lifecycle can be traced back to scope creep—including project failure. Scope creep is a natural part

How NEHEN Hangs Together

Click here for PDF schematic of NEHEN’s network The founders of the New England Healthcare EDI Network (NEHEN) quickly realized that the prospect of overhauling