Author: Michael Vizard

Giving Applications a True Voice

Everywhere you look today, you see small instances of voice technology being embedded in commercial applications. One example is an e-mail service that peppers its

Convergence: The People’s Choice

As we say goodbye to 2006, the convergence of computing models appears to be overtaking distinct types of computing such as Software as a Service

How to Pull Money Out of Storage

If one trend stands out more in 2006 than any other, it would have to be the way information-technology organizations have been driving the cost

How to Pull Money out of Storage

If one trend stands out more in 2006 than any other, it would have to be the way information-technology organizations have been driving the cost

5 to Watch as Baseline Turns Five

As this issue marks the fifth anniversary of Baseline, there’s always the temptation to look back and marvel at how far we have come since

Data, Data Everywhere

For the past several years, the information-technology industry has been diligently working toward making it easier to access data locked in various applications as part