Author: Michael Vizard

Gauging Linux Momentum

Clearly, there is a major shift under way in terms of preferred computing platforms in the enterprise. The only question is whether Windows or Linux

How to Build Private Clouds

One of the biggest strategic challenges facing IT organizations today is remaining competitive in a world full of cloud services that essentially outsource the IT

New World Storage Order

There?s an odd thing happening in the land of storage these days. Vendors have come up with so many different answers to increasing storage utilization

A Day of IT Reckoning

As the recession continues to deepen, it’s becoming clearer that we’re not just experiencing a momentary downturn that will cause us to restrain IT spending

Bridging the Server Divide

Over the last several years, it has become very clear that the two dominant server operating system environments are Windows and Linux. In fact, it?s

Leveling the Developer Field

As our collective economic circumstances continue to change worldwide, it?s interesting to note that many senior IT executives have come to the conclusion that it

IT Needs to Run Like a Business

Here?s one of the biggest challenges facing an IT organization today: Some third-party service provider is always telling the business side of the house that

Why There Is No Business Continuity

Most IT executives don’t have a whole lot of confidence in their company’s business continuity strategies. The reason for this lack of confidence isn’t necessarily