Author: Faisal Hoque

The Speed of Business Today

Business leaders often use agility to describe their business plans and strategic initiatives, but it’s often little more than just a vision. Agility is something

Strategy Execution for Risk Management

No investments can be effective in the long term without consideration of risk. The consequences of not doing adequate business continuity planning can be potentially

Beyond Business Models

Talking about “our business model” is a pleasant diversion. It was the diversion of the era, the fodder for venture capitalist pitches and the

Becoming Better Business-Technology Leaders

Every study shows that organizations as a whole, especially chief information officers, continue to struggle with business-technology alignment. It remains one of the top management issues. No

The Challenge of Government Management

In government, as well as in the private sector, making good things happen with technology is primarily a management challenge, not a technological one. Technology

Make the Bad Times Work for You

In October 2001 the UnitedStates was officially in recession.Companies were laying off employees by the thousands, and many high-paidmanufacturing and professional employees were having to