Month: July 2004

Canada Firearms: Armed Robbery

On Dec. 6, 1989, Marc Lepine walked into the University of Montreal’s engineering school and fired a semi-automatic military rifle at every woman he saw.

Chico’s Hired Gun

Wanted: Technology executive for company with annual sales topping $1 billion and growing 40% a year. Job: Fine-tune wide range of systems implemented in 2003

Wal-Mart’s Texas Two-Step

At a Wal-Mart Supercenter in Denton, Texas, a hallway leading to the retail floor has two pairs of gray and black, 6-foot-high silhouettes with yellow

RBC’s Account Imbalance

A foul-up at RBC Financial Group, Canada’s largest bank, stifled payroll deposits and left as many as 10 million customers uncertain of their bank account