Month: July 2004

Roadblock: 4,170 Newbies

The Obstacle Dollar General needs about six people to work each of the 695 stores it plans to open this year, to run cash registers,

Canada Firearms: Armed Robbery

On Dec. 6, 1989, Marc Lepine walked into the University of Montreal’s engineering school and fired a semi-automatic military rifle at every woman he saw.

CIO Pay Survey: Pay It Backward

The small club of information- technology executives who are among the five highest-paid officers at their companies has gotten smaller. The shift may indicate that

BMC Software: Sweating the Big Stuff

Deploying BMC’s Patrol can be an unexpectedly onerous task, but most customers say it’s worth the hard labor because of the software’s deep—and broad—ability to

The Right Time for Real Time

Waiting in the Delta terminal at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport, I stood along with a half-dozen fellow travelers studying the giant plasma

We Have Met the Enemy, and It Is Us

You are your enemy. The “internal threat” to a company used to be a disgruntled employee. Fire someone with technical knowledge, and watch out. Now