Month: December 2003

Soup’s On?

You can’t put a radio tag on a can of soup. That’s just one technical tidbit Campbell Soup Co. is digesting as it investigates using

December 2003 Online Extras

24/7 SERVICES Certified Returns? Tool: The Benefits of Software Certification This Microsoft Excel calculatorprovides a return on investment estimate for any kind of software-process improvement.

‘Tis the Season to Counterfeit

Chairman William Killgallon of toymaker Ohio Art is expecting his company’s stocking to be filled with lumps of counterfeit goods this holiday season. Killgallon isn’t

Trial By Fire

In October and early November, ErnyleeChamlee monitored fire officials moment by moment, as they called in air tankers, trucks and manpower to fight wildfires raging

Ascential Software: Fear Factor

You couldn’t blame customers of Vality Technology for worrying when the company was bought for $92 million by Ascential Software in 2002. Many had invested

Making Voting a Simpler Exercise

While Ed Cone was deftly delving into the ways that former governor Howard Dean is employing Web technologies to capture the Democratic nomination for president,