Month: April 2003

War With Iraq May Alter Budgets

Brian Garavuso, chief technology officer for Interstate Hotels and Resorts, is mulling his own war plans. The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and a weak economy

ERP: Bulletproof No More

Chuck Moore is too busy ironing out the installation of an upgrade to his company’s human resources software to worry about network security. That’s what

Oracle: The Tag-Along

Remember that outfielder whom you let onto your baseball team—but only because he was your cousin? That captures the sentiment of many companies installing Oracle’s

The Bottom Line Per … Martin Davis

In September 2001, First Union Corp. of Charlotte, N.C., acquired Wachovia Corp. of Winston-Salem N.C., becoming the fifth-largest U.S. bank. Two months ago, the company

By the Numbers: April 2003

Linux Ascending Linux is proving to be the little engine that could. While the overall server market contracted by nearly $4 billion worldwide in 2002,

Deploying a Silver Lining

The economy sucks. Revenue is falling. Uncertainty about the outcome of war covers everything like a wet blanket. What better time to change the enterprise