Month: December 2002

CGG Taps PC Clustering in Oil Hunt

By 2020, experts say, worldwide demand for oil will truly begin to outstrip supply and prices will skyrocket. We’re running out. Anxious fuel companies want

Utility Computing

What is it? Paying for computing the way you pay for heat and hot water. A company would be billed only for the processing power,

Quiz: How Much Risk Can You Tolerate?

Viewing projects as part of a portfolio helps justify potentially risky initiatives. The definition of what’s risky, however, varies from company to company. Take this

Tool: Reading the Meter

Use the worksheet below to calculate the costs and benefits of implementing a network based on a pay-as-you-go approach. This example, taken from a model

Crunching Numbers, Two Ways

Oil-exploration firm CGG Americas replaced its supercomputers with a cluster of several thousand personal computers linked by specialized networking software. Here’s one view of how

Round-The-Clock Rating

Remember how you felt when grades came out in school? Now manufacturers are giving report cards around the clock to suppliers and expecting them to

Gartner Inc.: Biggest and Broadest

Gartner Inc. is to the technology analyst industry what IBM is to computer technology. It’s a fitting comparison considering the company’s origins. Gartner was founded

How Autotote Insider Rigged the System

Serious handicappers betting on ponies know they’re always bucking the odds. But the rigging of the Pick Six payoff at the Breeder’s Cup championship showed