When IT Success Taps Team Spirit

I filled a transitional role as chief information officer of SunTrust Banks: I had one foot in the past and one in the future. I really enjoyed being with the people, seeing what they were doing and managing the tangible processes. That’s the role of CIOs past. And I did,

CompStat: From Humble Beginnings

The snow was falling, heavily. Gene Whyte, John Brancato, Richard Mehia and John Yohe wanted to go home, before the weather turned impenetrable. But Brancato, now a narcotics detective, had to save the file the New York City policemen were working on. So the four-man band had to come up

Time for a Fresh Federal Infrastructure?

“What’s good for America is good for General Motors, and vice versa,” GM president Charles “Engine Charlie” Wilson told Congress in 1953, after he was nominated to be Secretary of Defense. That may have been a controversial position, but a corollary has proven itself more true: The problems of government

The Software License Pit, and Its Perils

Does your company want to buy more software than it needs? Of course not, you answer. But just a few years ago, overspending on licenses was a popular “strategy” to avoid fees for illegal application use. “Companies were saying, ‘we don’t want to risk being out of compliance, so let’s

Electronic Product Code

What is it? The next generation of the Universal Product Code (UPC) system. What’s new about it? While a UPC symbol registers a product’s make or model, an electronic product code (ePC) assigns a number to each individual item—differentiating the 102nd can of soup in a shipment from the 1,042nd.

How CIOs Reach the Top

Every year, senior managers participate in a corporate beauty contest—and few technology executives make the final list. A Baseline analysis finds that only 37 chief information officers ranked among the highest paid officers of Fortune 500 companies in 2001. Though that’s 14 more than in 2000, it’s still a skimpy

The Price of Not Being Vigilant: Software Licensing Costs

The example here shows how a company running oneapplication on 520 PCs could be forced to pay more than$173,000 in fines and penalties if it is unwittingly usingjust 20 illegal copies of the software. Find out what unauthorized software could wind up costing you using the tool below or download

The Price of Efficiency

Call it the mathematics of slack: For each hour gained through productivity-enhancing software, less than an hour of additional labor usually gets done. Or, as Rebecca Wettemann, director of research at Wellesley, Mass.-based Nucleus Research, puts it, “Time saved does not equal time worked.” Based on its observations of many

Kroll Inc.: Shoe-Leather Snoops Go High-Tech

Corporate espionage, embezzlement, kidnapping, mob threats, retrieving financial records from trashed computers, terrorist attacks … these are not the events that most corporate security personnel are equipped to handle. When trouble like this strikes, Kroll Inc. is called to the rescue. Kroll was retained to find the hidden assets of

Are You a CIO Who Matters?

Every year, senior managers participate in a corporate beauty contest—and few technology executives make the final list. A Baseline analysis finds that only 37 chief information officers ranked among the highest paid officers of Fortune 500 companies in 2001. Though that’s 14 more than in 2000, it’s still a skimpy