Fintech attorney Neha Mehta champions inclusive digital future

Inclusive Digital Future

Neha Mehta, a prominent fintech attorney and advocate for financial inclusion and environmental sustainability, contributes significantly to creating a more inclusive financial system. Apart from her legal prowess, she’s a passionate sustainability advocate, connecting economic health with planet health.

One of her contributions is her book “One Stop”, an exploratory study of Super Apps. These are powerful software programs that consolidate various services like e-commerce, entertainment, and financial management into a single platform. Tech giants like Grab, WeChat, Uber, Amazon, and Alibaba are among the pioneers in this field.

Super Apps are quickly becoming a transformative force in digital consumption, with technological advancements like 5G and artificial intelligence likely to further escalate their capabilities. However, their increasing prominence has also raised regulatory concerns, primarily about data privacy, market monopolies, consumer protection, and their impact on societal behaviour and global legal standards.

“One Stop” offers more than an appraisal of the current environment. By evaluating societal impact, ethical implications, and potential risks, it also serves as a critical tool for anticipating future changes. In her book, Mehta conducts extensive interviews with industry leaders, exploring the role of Super Apps in shaping our digital future, and the challenges they pose to the traditional banking system.

Super Apps have become more critical amid the COVID-19 pandemic as users turn to integrated digital platforms for financial transactions, e-commerce, and transportation, leading to a need for businesses to adopt Super App strategies. However, it’s crucial to approach this transition with a keen eye for possible risks and ethical considerations.

Beyond fintech, Mehta is also a staunch advocate for women’s roles in technology and environmental conservation. She champions for skill-based groups in tech businesses to empower more women in decision-making roles, advocates for more learning opportunities for women in tech, and stresses the role of businesses in tackling environmental issues.

One of her noteworthy initiatives is FemTech Partners, established in 2019 in Singapore. It’s a platform designed to aid women, especially in the fintech sector, by enhancing their financial resilience and opening up mentorship opportunities. This not only facilitates their industry growth but also bridges the gender divide.

In the end, Neha Mehta is more than just a fintech attorney. She is a boundless advocate for a more inclusive digital future, where economic progress does not compromise the planet, and where women play an equally vital role in the tech industry.