Optimizing Your Enterprise
In today?s business environment, the ability to aggregate, store, mine and analyze data can make or break a company. As a result, business intelligence and business analytics have become core tools to guide decisions, develop successful strategies,create new opportunities and get a jump on the competition.
Private Cloud Nurtures Farming Co-op
To optimize its operation and reduce its energy consumption, the Lantm?nnen cooperative created a secure private cloud. It currently serves about 300 branch offices, and that number is expected to grow to 550 branches in the future.
Unlocking the Value of ERP
To ensure that essential information is readily available to management, the IT organization needs to revitalize the architecture of enterprise resource planning systems and combine that with the robust use of business intelligence.
Tech Tools for Tough Times
Government agencies at all levels are achieving positive, tangible results by investing in information technologies that make effective use of existing data and resources. These include business analytics, Web 2.0 and collaboration technologies, mobility, security and public health reporting systems.
Will You Have the Right Staff in 2010?
We?ll soon see a surge in demand for IT talent. Are you ready?
Uncovering the True Impact of Saas
SaaS has a lot to offer, but it?s not a cure-all for what ails IT.
How to Use Social Media to Acquire Staff
Social media can be an effective tool in your firm?s hiring arsenal.
Controlling your Legal Spending
Here?s how to rein in legal spending without increasing risks.
College Creates ‘Green’ Data Center Program
Degree meets the demand for data center specialists.
Defending Data
A proactive security strategy helps Educational Testing Service protect customer information and train staff to safeguard data.
Building a Data Center for the Future
Virtualization and storage solutions improve ROEL?s data center operations and reduce its energy consumption.
Getting Started with VDI
VDI provides efficiency, security and savings, but building the right infrastructure can be expensive and burdensome.
Shaping a Transformation Strategy
Strategic enterprise architecture keeps transformation on target.
Facebook, Robots, Telecommuters
Facebook facts, robot dangers and traveling telecommuters
STARTING POINT by Eileen Feretic
Not Just the Facts
Businesspeople need information that provides real insight.
PERSPECTIVES by Brian Barnier
A New CIO-CFO Partnership
CIOs and CFOs must work together to provide business value.