Category: Blogs

Wearables Wear Thin

Only a few years ago, wearable computing seemed like something straight out of a science fiction novel. But radical advances in microprocessors and breathtaking gains

Tech Firms Find Gold in Silver

It’s tempting to think of seniors as a not particularly tech-savvy group and, in some cases, technology-adverse. But, as we all know, stereotypes often don’t

The System Is Broken

A few weeks ago I wrote about a customer service fail at tour Website Viator. Despite representatives dutifully replying to my messages, the company couldn’t

Read Alerts or Red Alerts?

A basic law of technology is that every solution creates at least 10 new problems. And when you start dealing with the inevitable multiplier effect

The Growing Privacy Disconnect

One of the unmistakable challenges of the digital age is the need to balance convenience with privacy. By now, it should be clear to everyone

The Madness Isn’t Limited to March

It’s no secret that the line between work and play is increasingly blurry. Employers expect that professional employees will be available to handle whatever task