Category: Blogs

Pay Now … or Pay Later

It’s been just over a year since Apple Pay hit the consumer marketplace. While a growing number of retailers and e-tailers have adopted the digital

Cyber-Security Meets the Board

The onslaught of cyber-security breaches and breakdowns has left most businesses and their IT departments reeling. Navigating this netherworld and keeping enterprise assets and data

AI Gets Very Real

Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at a furious rate. Personal assistants such as Siri, Cortana and Google Now have moved into the mainstream. They allow

Drones Take Off in All Directions

These days, news about drones seems to be buzzing around everywhere. Even while businesses await final Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines and rules about how

On the Frontier of Malware Research

As malware becomes more pervasive and sophisticated, organizations are struggling to keep up. Unfortunately, conventional methods that depend on identifying code and recognizing set patterns

Walking the Thin Political Line

It’s apparent that politics and business increasingly intersect. Although consumers have long used organized campaigns and boycotts to push for change, the power of the