Author: Joshua Weinberger

Pacific Edge: Mom-And-Pop No More

Pacific Edge is no longer run on a day-to-day basis by its married co-founders, but longtime customers say it hasn’t lost its personal touch. The

Niku: The Old-Timer Is New Again

When managing projects with specialized software was still a fairly new idea, New York-based ABT was widely acknowledged as a leader in the fledgling field.

Changepoint: Same Script, Different Theater

Aptly named Changepoint has certainly adapted—to stock-market hiccups and software-market shifts. The firm shelved its 2000 public offering, but had roughly $40 million in venture

The Future Demands Your Flexibility

I was in charge of technology at Conoco when PCs first came out—and PCs weren’t very good. But they enabled technology to proliferate much faster

PlanView: Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold

Goldilocks might have been trespassing, but she knew her comfort zone. PlanView’s customers seem to have found the same satisfaction with a tool that treats

Artemis: Avoiding a Meltdown

Most companies see “zero defects” as little more than a lofty aspiration. But utilities—where Artemis seems to be the project-management tool of choice—cram tens of