Author: Dennis McCafferty

Tech Tools for Tough Times

IT managers at government agencies have seldom opted for expensive tech tools simply for bragging rights, and, in the current economic climate, that’s not likely

2,500 CIOs Speak Out

Wanted: CIOs to manage today?s corporate enterprises. Skills needed include a vast command of all developing IT trends, from virtualization to convergence to Web 2.0.

ATT: A Philosophy of Partnership

Since 1885, the two T’s in AT&T have stood for “telephone” and “telegraph,” but those T’s have seemingly merged to become “telecommunications,” representing the company’s

E-discovery of E-docs

On any given day, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.-based American Document Management (AmDoc) assists its thousand corporate and government customers by tracking down their e-documents with the

Dealing With Paper

Managing e-documents is a mission-critical task for many companies these days. But what about managing the machines that print, copy or fax paper documents? Like

Do Your Documents Manage You?

If an organization develops and maintains its content and documents effectively, the information contained therein can save time and money, and may even generate revenue.

Joining Two Financial Giants

In 2008, at the respective San Francisco and Charlotte, N.C., headquarters of two financial-industry giants, HR staffers tapped into their networks to administer benefits and

Collaboration?California Style

At California State University, Fresno, an ambitious attempt to cultivate technology entrepreneurship in a traditionally agriculture-dominated region has gotten off to a fast start. In