Month: May 2009

What`s in It for IT?

With no end in sight to the current economic downturn, a burning question for IT professionals has become, ?Is President Obama?s belief in the transformational

Projects Gone Wrong

See also: Dirty Dozen: 12 IT Disasters and Five ERP Disasters Explained. What goes wrong when things go wrong? What follows may not be suitable

E-mail Management Lags

Survey demographics1,109 AIIM members interviewed 28 % from organizations with over 5,000 employees 29 % from organizations with 500 to 5,000 employees 34 % from

The Hunt for Opportunities

Regardless of how well we plan, some things just fail. Maybe it?s a Webinar or meeting presentation that was well-prepared but suffered from technical difficulties.

Managing Your Hypervisors

Virtual machine technology is proliferating across enterprise data centers. Server consolidation, energy savings and better resource utilization are all good reasons to consider using one