Month: November 2003

The Marketing of a President

Zephyr Teachout sits at her computer in a dimly lit nook of the Dean for America headquarters in South Burlington, VT, and dreams of the

November 2003 Online Extras

24/7 SERVICES Proprietary Payback Tool: Evaluating Time to Payback To analyze lines of code and development costs and get the most bang for your buck

Battling That Pesky Weight Problem

In life-and-death decisions, people want facts. Health insurance with “medium” coverage doesn’t cut it at the emergency room, and the nation’s vague multicolor terror-alert system

American Electric Power: Hero or Zero?

Investigators are sifting through clues from a brush fire in southwestern Ohio, a tree branch that should have been trimmed, and three separate power-plant failures

Do Not Contact Me, Ever

It’s hunting season on marketers, thanks to “Do Not Call” regulation and anti-spam legislation, and companies such as Publishers Clearing House are in the line

When Employees Do the Monitoring

Your employees probably expect their e-mail and computer use to be monitored.They’d probably be shocked to find their phone calls on the watch list. And