Month: October 2003

Primer: XQuery 1.0

What is it?A language that allows users to search for and extract information from databases as well as documents in which content is identified by

Bottom Line Per…QVC CIO Rob Cochran

Sixteen years ago, Rob Cochran joined the then-fledgling retailer hawking jewelry, apparel, electronics and other merchandise on television. The company, recently acquired by Liberty Media

Vote, with No Confidence

The voting machines that almost derailed the Oct. 7 California recall election are all being replaced. But controversy over voting technology is far from finished

Noveon: The Box Stops Here

Noveon needed to boost its returns, fast. So the billion-dollar specialty chemicals company loaded up on low-cost standard computers. By Tom Steinert-Threlkeld The Task: Create

Pacific Edge: Mom-And-Pop No More

Pacific Edge is no longer run on a day-to-day basis by its married co-founders, but longtime customers say it hasn’t lost its personal touch. The

Mixed Signals

Thaddeus Arroyo, Chief Information Officer for wireless carrier Cingular, is preparing for what could be a six-week sprint to meet a regulatory mandate. Wireless local