Month: October 2003

Suite Returns

The Microsoft Office 2003 launch on Oct. 21 included plenty of proclamations from chairman and chief software architect Bill Gates and other honchos about how

Avon: Offshore Twist

Avon Products is joining the trend to hire programming talent in foreign countries, where wages are lower. But it has added a twist to the

LeapFrog: Trouble In Toyland

LeapFrog Enterprises may enjoy strong demand for its educational toys, but the Emeryville, Calif. manufacturer could use a primer on how a supply chain needs

My Aching Technology Department

Sometimes it’s hard to know exactly where the pain in your information technology department comes from. “It’s like a patient who tells a doctor that

Quiz: Can XQuery Help Our Company?

XQuery 1.0 is a language that allows users to search for and extract information from databases and documents. Here’s how it works, who is using

The Software Debate: Buy vs. Rent

The past few years have been difficult for software companies, with one big exception: vendors of hosted sales and customer service applications. Companies such as