Month: September 2003

Girding The Grid

Innovation may be the life-blood of technology, but once the electrons stop flowing even the best information system goes limp. About 50 million electricity customers

How To Manage A Globally Staffed Project

Managing the development of new software and deploying systems gets more complicated the more spread out the resources. If your applications are developed in Bangalore;

Leaping, Then Looking

Chris Heim knows he’ll have to eventually send some of his product development work to India, China or some other country. The chief executive of

Economic Security: The Gut Effect

Will the movement of high-paying technology jobs gut the U.S. tax base? In all likelihood, the impact will be muted. estimates 800,000 back-office jobs

National Security: Off The Radar

The loss of high-paying jobs to other countries isn’t viewed as a national security issue yet, but that may change. If information technology is increasingly

To Protect and Serve

Many organizations are keeping a lid on security spending, but that doesn’t mean they’re standing pat. Instead, they’re trying to spend available dollars more wisely.