How Citibank Saves with CRM

Companies such as Citibank, looking for good software to manage their relationships with customers, are caught in a dilemma: to customize or not to customize? So, what’s a company to do? At Citibank’s Global Corporate and Investment Bank’s e-business unit, which serves midsize and Fortune 2000 corporations, the answer was:

A Reverse Spin on Supply Chain

Big V Supermarkets is taking a lesson from the hotel and airline industries: Use price to determine demand. This is the flip side of supply chain management (SCM), in which companies try to quickly replenish items purchased in stores, through electronic communications with suppliers. With demand management, the company can

A Dozen Smart Metrics, To Go

The claim that information technology’s benefits are real but not measurable is faint and, in this economic climate, dangerous praise. Luckily, it’s also no longer the case:Corporations, analysts and academics are relying on tangible, new IT metrics to help assess business operations. These 12 metrics, developed in conjunction with Gartner

Aspire to Be a Leader? Rule No. 1: Start Young

The best way to advance through the ranks as a technology manager is to constantly look for high-visibility projects. And you need to do that early in your career, not later. It’s hard to get the opportunity at a midpoint in your career if you haven’t had the experience—senior managers

Is Your Medical Data for Sale?

About two weeks after undergoing surgery at a local hospital in the fall of 2001, medical claims specialist Mary Jane Stull of of Northbend, Indiana, received no fewer than four telemarketing calls from companies that provide home medical services trying to sell her one manner of home care or another.

Q&A with NEHEN Co-Creator John Glaser

John Glaser likes to describe the NEHEN network as “the Napster of health care” data exchange. As vice president and CIO of Boston-based Partners Health care, a non-profit health care company, Glaser was instrumental in creating the New England Healthcare EDI Network (NEHEN) to allow health care professionals to swap

Microsoft IIS: Fight or Switch?

Last year’s Code Red and Nimda worms hurt Microsoft’s prestige and raised questions about the company’s ability to conquer the security flaws plaguing its Web server and e-mail software. Users shunned expert advice urging them to stop using the Internet server software. John Pescatore, research director for Internet Security at

E*Trade Bets Big on Linux

NEW YORK—Was it IBM’s much-ballyhooed recent announcement of a mainframe that runs only Linux that swayed E*Trade Group Inc. to dump its Sun Microsystems Solaris servers in favor of the open-source operating system? E*Trade Chief Technology Officer Josh Levine says no. Instead, it was Linux’s vendor-independence that led the online

IBM Eyes ‘100% Mandate’ for Software Sales

Would you buy all your software over the Internet? IBM thinks you will. As 2002 began, IBM VP and General Manager Doug Maine told Baseline that he had an executive mandate to fulfill 100% of IBM’s software sales through An IBM spokesman, Michael Rowinski, later would say Maine