Data-Centric Strategy

Financial sector leans on data-centric strategy for growth

The financial services industry, accounting for 25% of global tech expenses, presents lucrative opportunities for banks and FinTech enterprises alike. The trend is steadily leaning towards data-centric strategies and technology tools for improved customer experience. The rise of AI and Machine Learning has brought a host of benefits, including increased

"Strategic Expansion"

LemFi plans strategic expansion to emerging markets

Exciting news in the financial industry: the Nigerian fintech company LemFi has announced a strategic expansion to include all emerging markets worldwide. Having originally offered remittance services for African migrants, the company now aims to cater to underbanked and unbanked populations globally. After thriving in Africa, LemFi is turning its

"Cochran Trespassing"

Council contestant Cochran accused of trespassing

In an unfolding controversy, respected business owner, CJ Nickens, has accused city council contestant, Camron Cochran, of committing trespassing offenses at several downtown establishments. Cochran’s supposed unlawful exploits have purportedly disrupted the peace of the local business community and cast a dark cloud over his campaign efforts. Interestingly, a video

Accounting Loss

Accountant’s poor accounting leads to client’s financial loss

Reports came in recently of a certified accountant, a father of his client’s boyfriend, causing financial discrepancies in his client’s tax returns over the years. The accountant’s free, volunteer services have resulted in significant financial burden due to several miscalculations. The client is understandably concerned, fearing possible legal implications. The

"Retirement Dreams"

US retirement dreams surpass financial preparation

Recent studies reveal a 15% increase in US citizens’ retirement dreams, with the expectation of a minimum of $1.46 million required for a comfortable retirement. Contrastingly, there has been no equivalent rise in financial planning, with average savings decreasing to $88,400. The discordance between anticipated retirement funds and savings is

Financial Blueprint

New financial blueprint proposed amidst global economic turmoil

The current economic landscape is marked by heightened inflation rates, soaring interest rates and a deepening cost of living crisis. These conditions are fostering global instability, job insecurity, wage stagnation, and income disparity. With costs of housing and basic commodities on the rise, households across the globe are feeling the

"Claude Outperforms"

Anthropic’s new AI model, Claude, outperforms existing competitors

Anthropic, a project led by ex-OpenAI professionals, unveils its latest AI model, Claude. Surpassing competitors like ChatGPT, Claude offers superior features and is easily accessible on iPhones. The brainchild of Anthropic, Claude was born out of disagreements with OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman. The AI tool promises to be a boon

"Network Disruption"

Anthem’s network change disrupts healthcare for 40,000

Over 40,000 patients in Colorado are facing a medical crisis owing to Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield’s decision to exclude a major health system from their network, effective from May 1. This move, resulting from failed negotiations, has disrupted ongoing treatment plans and driven healthcare costs up for those impacted.

Security Plan

Updated social security plan aids American retirees

Starting tomorrow, updated Social Security retirement benefits will begin applying to American retirees. This revamped plan aims to combat the rise in living expenses, ensuring retirees can maintain their standard of living. The exact increase in payment for individuals will vary. You can review your updated social security statement or

Samsung Challenge

Samsung aims to challenge Apple’s smartwatch dominance by 2024

Technological powerhouse Samsung has set ambitious goals for 2024, aiming to challenge the dominance of Apple’s smartwatch. Following the successful debut of multiple smartphone models, Samsung is redoubling its efforts in boosting its smartwatch series. The tech giant is throwing down the gauntlet with plans for advanced technology and sleek,