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Edward Cone
Editor in Chief
Ed Cone is Baseline Magazine’s online editor. He has worked in the past as an editor and writer for CIO Insight, Wired, and Forbes, and as a newspaper columnist in North Carolina.
[email protected]

Jennifer Lawinski
Senior Editor
[email protected]

Eileen Feretic
Editor in Chief
[email protected]

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David Strom, Technology Editor
[email protected]
David Strom is one of the industry's most respected journalists, covering technology and the Internet for more than 20 years. He has had several editorial management positions for both print and online properties in the enthusiast, gaming, IT, network, channel, and electronics industries. He is the founding editor of Networking Computer Magazine, and has held senior editorial positions at PC Week (the forerunner of eWEEK), VARBusiness and CMP Media's Electronics Group. As Baseline's technology editor, David provides clear insight into emerging products and technologies, as well as innovative uses for commoditized technologies.

Doug Bartholomew, Senior Editor
[email protected]
Doug Bartholomew is a career journalist who has covered information technology for more than 15 years. A former senior editor at IndustryWeek and InformationWeek, his freelance features have appeared in New York magazine and the Los Angeles Times Magazine. He has a B.S. in Journalism from Northwestern University.

Don Sears, Online Editor
[email protected]
Don has a held several editorial positions in the Ziff Davis Enterprise family since 2003 working for eWEEK, CIO Insight and Baseline. As Senior News Editor with eWEEK, Don drove the daily online news cycle for a technology-hungry Web audience. Prior to that, Don was News Editor at eWEEK, and Associate Editor at CIO Insight and Baseline. Additionally, Sears has real-world IT experience as a Project Manager steering complex Web infrastructure projects, and shaping application services offerings as a Product Marketing Manager, both with the company Genuity.

Baseline BIS

Brian Lee, Financial Analyst
[email protected]
Brian was previously an equity research associate covering technology companies at a boutique investment bank. Prior to that, he was a technology and business analyst at Scient Corporation, an Internet consulting firm. Brian holds a B.A.Sc. from the University of Waterloo and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level III candidate.

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