AI tutoring apps from China gain popularity among US students

"Chinese Tutoring Apps"

American students are turning to affordable artificial intelligence (AI) tutoring apps from Chinese developers. This change comes on the heels of China’s crackdown on its local tutoring industry, making these AI-powered apps more sought after for a budget-friendly and interactive learning experience.

Apps such as Question AI and Gauth by ByteDance have seen a significant increase in demand for their personalized and cost-effective tutoring strategies. Parents and guardians are choosing these apps as effective educational resources, testifying to their success in this market.

The growth of China-developed tutoring apps is a result of revised business strategies following China’s restrictions on local tutoring in 2021. Consequently, many Chinese companies have shifted their focus to foreign markets, developing user-friendly tutoring apps that cater to the online education demand.

While critics raise concerns over data privacy, the foreign origin of these apps has prompted Chinese developers to boost their data security protocols. Meanwhile, the expansion is creating opportunities for educators worldwide, and allowing students access to quality education irrespective of location.

However, these apps have sparked a debate.

Chinese AI tutoring apps’ rising popularity in US

Some U.S. public schools have tried limiting student access to AI tools, but enforcing these restrictions beyond school is challenging. Concerns on privacy and data security linger, especially as students use these apps away from school monitoring.

Despite these fears, over half of UK students admit to using AI support for their academics, according to a Higher Education Policy Institute (Hepi) poll. Adoption of AI-assisted apps is growing, ranging from simple grammar checks to complex critical thinking tools.

Similarly, in the US, based on a Tyton Partners report, almost 50% of university students use AI resources like Google Bard and ChatGPT. While the use of AI has its critics, raising concerns about data privacy and potential reliance, proponents argue that AI enhances interactive learning and personalizes the student’s educational experience.

In conclusion, the trend for AI support in education continues to rise, despite regulatory challenges. With an increasing number of students utilizing AI for studies, the dialogue about its effect on education, student safety, and data protection becomes even more significant.