Phone Call or Email: How to Know When to Use Which

call or email

Many of us have been in business situations where we had to consider the best communication channel. We keep receiving emails and phone calls from our business associates, customers, potential clients, vendors, and many others. Some businesses may react to every email or phone call. Others may have fixed preferences about the mode of communication they should respond to.

When choosing between email and phone calls in the office, many factors must be considered. This article will give insight into what communication modes to use to boost the chances of closing business deals successfully.

Call or Email – What The Stats Reveal

Do business owners and managers prefer phone calls or emails?

Businesses must employ the methods their customers prefer to improve the chances of something positive coming out of the communication.

Many businesses find phone calls to be disruptive and interfering. Also, a large percentage of businesses reply to email communication within 30 minutes.

Pros and Cons of Using Emails For Business Communication

Firstly, Email is one of the most straightforward marketing strategies. Apart from speed and reliability, email offers several advantages. However, like every other marketing tool, this one has positives and negatives.


  • Provide timely and directional information
  • Specific facts and data can be clearly communicated.
  • A record of your communication always exists.
  • The recipient can be guided to a website for more details while keeping the email communication concise
  • Finally, follow-up reports can be sent out via the same email for easy reference


  • Emails are sometimes left open and unread
  • Others can also access the information
  • It’s tough to determine the tone
  • Lastly, it can get lost in a flurry of messages or end up in a spam folder

When Do Emails Work Better Than Phone Calls?

Research reveals that most business professionals prefer communicating via email for business purposes. Effective communication is the key to building solid and lasting business relationships. Emails are a non-intrusive form of communication that the recipients can access at their convenience. It doesn’t disrupt workflow and helps in delivering the message reliably.

Emails can be a better option for business communication in the following situations.

You need to review your conversions or refer back to communication with a client.

Emails can be quickly constructed as you can just pour into print what’s on your mind. A follow-up email can be sent out if you have skipped some points. Emails can be reviewed and edited before you hit the send button.

You don’t expect a quick response

This is one of the key reasons emails enjoy an edge over phone calls. It allows businesses to respond or give information to recipients after considering all aspects. This may not be possible with a phone call.

You are looking at a structured conversion focused on specific points.

Phone calls (even business calls) are generally initiated with small talk to keep the conversation informal. While there is nothing wrong with it, you need time to come around and discuss the core reason for your conversation. In addition, with an email, you can come to the point of discussion directly without exchanging niceties.

You have to attach documents or corroborate your claims with evidence

Emails are the only form of business communication when you want to attach any document, image, or files specific to the subject of discussion.

Pros and Cons of Using Phone Calls For Business Communications

The importance of phone calls in business communication cannot be overstated. There are a few pluses and minuses here too.


  • It’s the easiest and easily accessible means of communication
  • Phone conversations are good at establishing rapport
  • There is little chance of misinterpretation
  • Finally, it can be used as a follow-up medium to discuss an email


  • Your attempted conversation may end up in voicemail
  • Listeners can get distracted if you call at an inappropriate time
  • Finally, it requires more time and effort compared to email communication

Call or Email – When Do Phone Calls Work Better?

Modern businesses acknowledge the role of phone calls in their marketing strategies. Also, phone calls have become a successful business communication channel in various situations.

When there are many questions to answer.

Some business issues can be a bit complicated to be handled through back-and-forth emails. In such cases, a live phone call can quickly clarify the points of contention.

When you need to add some emotional elements to the conversation.

Phone calls can work better when you need some emotion to be included in the conversation. You may want to thank or apologize for a business reason. You can do it via email, but a phone call can help express your emotions better and in the right tone.


In conclusion, Emails can be your choice when you want to communicate something that’s less pressing, or you want to avoid a difficult conversation. In businesses, communicating with a personal touch and responding immediately to a complaint or concern are needed to win customers. Situations such as these may require phone calls.