Category: Project Management

Cheaper by the Rupee

The pitch is tough to pass up: Get access to thousands of talented software developers in other countries, instead of paying higher rates for scarce

IBM Business Innovation Services

Power of a Pedigree Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM, and Big Blue’s Teflon coating extends to IBM Global Services’ consulting wing when it

Web Services

What is it? Who dreamed it up? WebMethods devised one of the earliest models for remote Web services, with a September 1997 pitch of the

25% Solution

Planning for the loss of one-fourth of your technology staff can be overwhelming unless you’ve already prepared for the temporary loss of so many people.

After the Disaster

The bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon destroyed buildings and lives. It also shattered widely held beliefs. Even mundane things like power

And We Said, Let There Be Light

It’s hard to deal with an everyday task, much less a crisis, when you’re literally in the dark. When the World Trade Center was attacked

The Bottom Line Per … Michael Radcliff

As chief technology officer of Ingersoll-Rand, Michael Radcliff sets technology strategy for a diversified $9 billion company that sells everything from industrial air-conditioning systems to