Category: Business Intelligence

Why We Click

Money is the motivation for scam-spam. The motivation for clicking on it is far less straightforward, and none of us are immune. “It’s not like

The Drive for Data Protection

Not finished with updating your organization’s payroll for the day? No problem—just save the documents to a USB thumb drive, drop the drive in your

Web Site Aims to Support BI/Data Warehousing

The Data Warehousing Institute and the Business Intelligence Network June 13 launched, a new partnership web site that serves as a collaborative, interactive community

Cybercrime and Punishment

Cybercrime is getting cheaper all the time, as shady characters sell tools to help criminals spam, phish, hack and crash. And a new treaty ratified

How CIOs Attract and Retain Talent

Every time we ask IT executives about recruiting and retainingIT talent, they tell us it’s becoming more difficult—and moreconfusing. Despite outsourcing, are companies still committedto