Author: Wylie Wong

Encryption Key to Data Security

U.S.-based companies areincreasingly adopting encryption technology, not just to secure data but to satisfy privacy and data protection regulations. In the past, mitigating data breaches

IT Saving Lives

For the first time, emergency dispatchers who receive 911 calls from Coppin State University will know the exact location of the callers—a technological advance that

Rx for Medical Records

Charles Wang of the UCLA Health System isn’t a nurse or a physician, but he spends every day working to improve the care of patients.

In Tough Times, Love Your Customers

To attract shoppers, online retailers and brick-and-mortar stores are doing a little shopping of their own—for IT equipment and software. Recession-weary retailers, in an effort

Securing Patient Data

As more health care providers make patient information available over the Web and on wireless devices, security and patient privacy are foremost on IT administrators?

Building a Health Care IT Infrastructure

The federal government has developed software that will allow government agencies and private health care providers to connect their IT systems to an emerging nationwide

Beating the Nursing Shortage

Tired of spending $8 million to $10 million a year to hire nurses from outside employment agencies, St. John Health in Detroit decided to create

Giving Health Care a Dose of IT

Hospitals, medical clinics and doctors in private practice have long discussed the need to improve health care with information technology—such as computerizing patient records—but few