Author: Wayne Rash

50 Ways to Lose Your Laptop

When I wrote about ways to protect your laptop if you needed to ship it as checked luggage, one assumption I made was that no

Cyber-Czar to Be Named ‘Soon’

WASHINGTON—The Department of Homeland Security will be naming a new Assistant Secretary for Cyber and Telecommunications in the very near future, a DHS spokesperson has

Checking Your Laptop as Luggage

The threat was terrorism, so it’s understandable why passengers on some trans-Atlantic flights suddenly found themselves trying to find a way to stash their electronics,

Digital Passports Land in U.S.

WASHINGTON—American travelers have begun receiving a new RFID-equipped electronic passport in mid-August, according to an announcement from the U.S. Department of State. Right now, the

FAA: No Plans to Ground Laptops

The television images of flaming Dell laptops may be fun to watch, but to the Federal Aviation Administration, those laptops are not a significant problem