Author: Tom Steinert Threlkeld

Connecting Cops Generates Static

Leave it to New York. No good move goes unchastised. The day after Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly

EDS Rides Out a Storm

It was an imperfect storm. On Sept. 18, Electronic Data Systems slashed its forecasted third-quarter earnings, from 74 cents to no more than 15 cents

Don’t Placate Corridor Warriors

“The hottest technology in personal computing is wireless networking,” declared gadgetry guru Walt Mossberg in The Wall Street Journal on this year’s first day. Speaking

Don’t Drive Ahead on Automatic

Pretty soon, you will be driving an information system. You might think you’re already there. Your car today may have 50 microprocessors hidden inside it,

Fiorina Gets Feisty at Gartner Event

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla.—Merger accomplished, Carly Fiorina is coming out feisty. In one 45-minute session at a gathering of 6,000 information-technology executives and potential customers,