Author: Larry Barrett

Voter News Service: What Went Wrong?

In November 2000, a “perfect storm” of vote-counting miscues and polling problems led the major TV networks repeatedly to change their minds as to whether

Round-The-Clock Rating

Remember how you felt when grades came out in school? Now manufacturers are giving report cards around the clock to suppliers and expecting them to

How Autotote Insider Rigged the System

Serious handicappers betting on ponies know they’re always bucking the odds. But the rigging of the Pick Six payoff at the Breeder’s Cup championship showed

HON Industries Furnished With Linux

Up until about two years ago, employees working the assembly lines at HON Industries showed up for work each morning wondering whether they’d be building

Deutsche Bank’s Integration Woes

BT Alex. Brown’s information systems staff expected some difficulties when Deutsche Bank bought the company for $10 billion in June 1999. They all knew there’s