Month: October 2023

Tech News

This Week In Tech…

In a recent announcement, Somerville-based 3D printer company Formlabs revealed that Microsoft Chief Marketing Officer Chris Capossela has been appointed to its board of directors.

AI Factories

AI Factories to be Built by Foxconn, Nvidia

Foxconn and Nvidia have announced a groundbreaking partnership to create “AI factories” that will revolutionize many industries, including autonomous vehicles. Foxconn, the largest contract electronics

GPT-4 Research Paper

Microsoft Sabotaging GPT-4?

The world of language models has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years. One such prominent model is GPT-4, developed by OpenAI and utilized by Microsoft’s

Robotic Human Hand

Breakthrough in Robotics: Robot Hands

Advancements in robotics have enabled remarkable approximations of human anatomy and physiology. Scientists and engineers striving for human hand-like dexterity and precision in robots have