Month: April 2010

Career Advancement

In Big, the hit movie from the late 1980s, star Tom Hanks rises from a clerk in data processing?that?s what technology was called back then?to

A New Model for Health Care

Accenture?s Institute for Health & Public Service Value reports that forthcoming changes will alter the face of health care more than at any time in

Collaboration Tools Spur Performance

Sophisticated collaboration tools enable organizations to perform better in business-critical activities and realize higher returns, according to ?Meetings Around the World II: Charting a Course

Understand Your Business Model

I?ve often been asked what advice I give my clients in this tough economic climate, specifically with regard to technology. My advice always starts this

Weigh Legal Risks of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has the potential to revolutionize how we invent, develop, deploy, scale, update, maintain and pay for data and applications, as well as the