Month: September 2009

One-Stop Service for Citizens

Every year, the London Borough of Southwark receives more than two million service requests from its 256,000 residents and offers more than 230 services to

Tips From an Interim CIO

With companies facing diverse challenges in this struggling economy, corporate leaders are looking to IT as an integral part of their overall performance-improvement strategy. The

Get Your Priorities Straight

How, you may ask, can you be expected to think strategically about your organization when you?re struggling to keep the operation going with fewer employees

Not What, But How

Most it executives understand that there are no technology problems, just business problems. Despite that, they continue to make the case for the value of

Giving Begins in the Office

Giving is as old as the ages, yet few people see giving as a value-added core competency in business. Society seems to be teaching us

Ensuring IT`s Survival

In this era of insolvent banks and auto companies on the brink, it?s essential that you, as an IT executive, take four major steps to