Month: August 2004

SAP: No Longer ‘Horrible’

SAP would win the “most improved award” among supplier-relationship management software makers. The company admits it was a latecomer to the SRM fiesta. Moreover, SAP’s

Bending Toward E-Spending

Old habits die hard, though, and it’s often a struggle to bring suppliers—not to mention your own employees—into the new purchasing order. Tom McBroom implemented

PeopleSoft: Takeover Tensions

The latest version of PeopleSoft’s supplier-relationship management tools is, in the words of one user, “damn good”; customers say the software provides access via a

Ariba: Survivor Story

When the Internet bubble burst, it spit out Ariba battered, but alive. The company is still in the red, which has been true for most

Gotcha! False Alarms

Automated systems have a tendency to fill the world with alerts: fire alarms, low-inventory warnings, squawking medical devices in a hospital, and collision alarms in