Month: January 2003

Online Extras: February 2003

Case Dissection Calculating Return on Digital Assets This month Baseline provides you with a Calculator to assist you in judging whether you’re getting any payback

How Not To Waste Capital

By taking both operational and capital expenses into account when calculating profit, EVA better reflects the way investors estimate the value of a company’s stock,

Online Extras: January 2003

Planner Your products are flexible, elegant and worth every penny. But when it takes a week to customize a proposal for a client, you may

Revolution Has Its Price

At Jenzabar, the company I founded in 1998, the concept was a rather straightforward one for universities in the United States. We would create a

Quiz: Do Your Products Have a Life?

  TRUE FALSE My company manufactures or maintains complex physical objects The products we sell have terabytes of data associated with them We share design