Month: April 2002

Hyperion: A Company in Transition

Eleven-year-old Hyperion is in flux. The company is restructuring after losing $31 million last year and laying off about 400 employees. It has installed new

By the Numbers: April 2002

Upgrading the Enterprise Manufacturers’ Online Usage Enterprise upgrades Can Cost More Than Planned Companies Still on Security Defensive For a detailed view of this month’s

Sifting a Riverbed of Data for Insight

Pizza-flavored cheddar cheese—good business opportunity? Yes, as Cabot Creamery determined. Does osteoporosis more often hit wine drinkers or teetotalers? Imbibers, as Kaiser Permanente can tell

SAS Institute: Great for a Reason

The world’s biggest privately held software company, SAS Institute is almost a way of life. That’s true for SAS employees, who get free health care,

Cognos: Pragmatic Player

Cognos isn’t flashy. CEO Ron Zambonini hasn’t bought an airline, like SAS Institute’s Jim Goodnight. Cognos has steadily grown during its 33 years and top

Fleet: Turning on a Dollar

With financial news channels hinting that the Federal Reserve Board would reverse course and announce it was leaning toward higher interest rates at its March