7 types of people that are simply not worth your energy

Have you ever walked away from a conversation feeling completely drained, even though nothing dramatic happened?

We’ve all been there—moments when you can’t quite put your finger on it, but something feels off.

These interactions may seem harmless at first, but over time, they chip away at your energy.

It’s not that these people are necessarily bad; they just aren’t good for you.

Recognizing these subtle cues is key to prioritizing your well-being.

Let’s take a look at the kinds of people who, while not toxic, are simply not worth your energy and how to make the decision to step back.

1) Energy vampires

Ever come across someone who leaves you feeling utterly drained, even after a brief interaction?

These are what I like to call energy vampires.

They’re the people who suck your mental and emotional energy, leaving you feeling exhausted, stressed and upset.

It might not be a big showdown that makes you realize who they are.

Instead, it’s that constant feeling of fatigue and depletion after spending time with them.

The truth is, not everyone has your best interests at heart.

Some people feed off your energy, thriving on your discomfort or distress—and it’s these people who simply aren’t worth your energy.

It’s important to spot these individuals and distance yourself from them.

After all, your wellbeing should always take precedence.

Don’t feel guilty about putting yourself first.

Life is too short to spend it with people who drain the joy out of you.

2) Negative influencers

These are the people who always have a cloud of negativity hanging over them, and they seem intent on sharing that storm with you.

I recall a time when I had a friend, let’s call her Jane.

Jane was always complaining about something or other.

Whether it was her job, her relationships, or the world in general, nothing was ever good enough for her.

Over time, I noticed that her negative outlook started to affect me too. I found myself feeling more cynical, more unhappy, and less positive about my own life.

That’s when I realized that I was allowing Jane’s negativity to infiltrate my space.

It was hard, but I had to distance myself from her for my own sanity.

Negative influencers can be subtle, but their impact is significantly detrimental to your mood and overall well being.

There’s a difference between being there for someone when they’re going through a tough time and allowing someone’s persistent negativity to impact your own happiness.

Learn to identify the difference and take steps to protect your energy.

3) Self-centered individuals

There’s a quote by Oscar Wilde that goes, “Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.”

These are the people who believe the world revolves around them.

They’re not interested in your thoughts, your feelings or your life.

Their conversations are one-sided, their actions are self-serving, and their attitudes reflect a lack of empathy for others.

I once knew a man who would talk incessantly about his achievements, his problems, his life.

But the moment the conversation shifted away from him, he’d lose interest.

His disregard for anyone’s world but his own was not only off-putting but also emotionally draining.

Dealing with self-centered individuals can be a heavy burden on your emotional energy.

Practical tip: it’s not selfish to prioritize your peace above someone else’s ego.

4) Chronic critics

Did you know that we, as humans, are naturally inclined to focus on the negative?

It’s a survival instinct called negativity bias.

However, there are those who take this to an extreme.

They are always finding fault, always criticizing, and seldom have anything positive to say.

Whether it’s your dress sense, your career choices, or even your taste in music, they never miss an opportunity to express their unsolicited opinions.

Interacting with such people can be a constant battle, leaving you feeling deflated and questioning your self-worth.

It’s a vicious cycle that can chip away at your confidence and drain your energy.

It’s crucial to distance yourself from the chronic critics in your life and surround yourself with positivity instead.

Because at the end of the day, you deserve to be around people who lift you up, not bring you down.

5) One-uppers

Ever had a conversation with someone who always seems to have a better story than yours, a more significant achievement or a bigger problem?

That’s a classic one-upper.

It’s like they’re constantly competing with you, turning every discussion into a chance to prove their superiority.

Their need to outdo everyone can be quite suffocating and energy-draining.

I remember a colleague who would always turn work conversations into competitions.

If you worked late one night, he’d worked later; if you landed a client, he’d secured a bigger one.

It was exhausting trying to keep up and quite frankly, demotivating.

Life is not a competition, and it’s definitely not worth spending your energy on people who make you feel like it is.

Surround yourself with those who celebrate your wins and encourage your growth, not those who belittle your achievements to uplift their own.

6) Drama magnets

These are the people who seem to thrive on chaos and conflict.

They always have a crisis going on, and they’re always eager to drag you into it.

It’s like they’re living in their own soap opera, and you’re an unwilling cast member.

They’re constantly seeking attention and creating conflict where there is none.

I was once part of a group project with someone who seemed to live for drama.

Every decision turned into a debate, every suggestion into an argument.

Instead of focusing on the task at hand, we were caught up in unnecessary disputes and disagreements.

Engaging with drama magnets can be stressful and exhausting.

It’s important to recognize when someone is creating unnecessary drama and distance yourself from it.

Your energy is better spent on constructive activities and positive interactions.

7) Non-listeners

These are the people who are more interested in waiting for their turn to speak rather than genuinely listening to what you have to say.

They interrupt, they dismiss, they redirect the conversation back to themselves.

I recall a friend who would often brush off my thoughts and opinions in favor of her own.

It was frustrating and hurtful, and it felt like my words were falling on deaf ears.

Communicating with non-listeners can be emotionally draining and belittling.

It’s crucial to surround yourself with people who value your words, respect your opinions and listen when you speak.

After all, everyone deserves to be heard.

Wrapping it up

We’ve been on quite a journey, haven’t we?

We’ve navigated the minefield of human interaction and identified the types of people that simply aren’t worth your energy.

But it’s important to remember that this isn’t about pointing fingers or blaming others for draining your energy.

It’s about self-awareness and setting boundaries.

Acknowledge the fact that you have the power to choose who you surround yourself with.

Pay attention to how people affect your emotional wellbeing.

Start noticing patterns and trust your instincts when someone leaves you feeling drained.

This doesn’t mean you should cut ties with everyone who ever caused a ripple in your calm.

It means taking control of your environment, prioritizing your peace, and understanding that it’s okay to walk away from relationships that don’t serve your wellbeing.

In the wise words of Eleanor Brown, “You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

Fill your life with positivity, nourish your soul with uplifting interactions, and remember to put yourself first.

It’s not about being selfish, but about self-preservation.

It’s time to reclaim your energy, for yourself and for those who truly deserve it.

Life is too short to spend it with people who drain you.

So choose wisely, set boundaries, and protect your peace!

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Picture of Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair


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