7 things only privileged and entitled people complain about, says psychology

There’s a huge gap between ungrateful complaining and legitimate grievances.

This chasm is often filled by folks who come from privileged and entitled backgrounds. You see, psychology argues that those with more privilege often complain about issues that many others would consider minor or even non-existent.

But why is this? What makes these complaints unique to the privileged?

Let’s dive into the quirky world of the privileged and their complaints, highlighting some of the things they moan about that most people wouldn’t even think twice about.

1) Trivial inconveniences

Ah, the world of trivial inconveniences. For many, a minor mishap is just a hiccup in an otherwise normal day. But for the privileged and entitled, it can be a catastrophe.

Psychology explains that people from more privileged backgrounds often lament about matters that most would shrug off. Why? Because they’re used to a certain level of comfort and convenience in their lives.

In essence, when you’re accustomed to everything going your way, even the smallest bump in the road can seem like a huge hurdle.

Whether it’s a lukewarm latte or a slow Wi-Fi connection, such complaints might seem frivolous to many. However, for those with privilege, these are serious gripes that they feel warrant their annoyance.

2) Limited luxury options

Once upon a time, I found myself in a swanky party attended by some of the city’s elite.

The topic of conversation? The lack of luxury brands in our local mall.

I remember listening in disbelief as one woman lamented about the absence of her favorite high-end designer brand. “It’s just so hard to find good quality things around here,” she sighed, sipping on her champagne.

I couldn’t help but think about how out of touch this complaint was, considering there were people in our city who struggled to put food on the table.

This is a classic example of privileged complaints – when access to luxury items, or a specific type of luxury item, isn’t readily available.

When people are used to a certain standard of living, anything less can seem like an inconvenience or even a hardship.

3) Lack of appreciation

Here’s something you might not know: Studies have shown that privileged individuals often struggle with recognizing and appreciating their own advantages.

This lack of awareness can lead to a sense of dissatisfaction or even resentment when things don’t go their way.

Take for instance, someone who comes from a well-off family. They may complain about having to wait for their annual vacation, completely oblivious to the fact that many people don’t get to take vacations at all.

This isn’t about finger-pointing, but rather illustrating how one’s position of privilege can sometimes cloud their understanding of reality.

By shedding light on these issues, we hope to inspire more empathy and understanding, because everyone has their own battles to fight, regardless of their socio-economic standing.

4) Expectation of special treatment

Privilege often births the expectation of special treatment.

It’s not uncommon for those with a sense of entitlement to expect others to bend over backwards to accommodate them, even in situations where it’s unreasonable.

For instance, they might get frustrated when they have to wait in line like everybody else, or if they aren’t given preferential treatment due to their status or wealth.

Psychology tells us that this stems from the belief that their needs, wants, and time are more important than others’.

But life has a way of reminding us that we’re all in this together, and no one is above the rules of civility and respect.

5) Criticism intolerance

I once had a friend who came from a well-to-do background. She was used to being praised and admired, and she had a hard time dealing with criticism.

I remember once offering her some constructive feedback, only for her to get defensive and upset.

This is something quite common among privileged individuals.

They often grow up in environments where they are constantly praised and rarely criticized, which can lead to a lack of resilience when faced with negative feedback.

Whether it’s at work, in relationships, or in personal growth, the ability to accept and learn from criticism is crucial. And that’s a lesson for all of us, regardless of our backgrounds.

6) Inability to handle failure

One of the hallmarks of privileged and entitled individuals is their inability to cope with failure.

They’re often used to success and having things go their way, so when they stumble or fall short, it can be a big blow.

This is more than just being a sore loser. It’s about the expectation of constant success and the inability to deal with the reality that life sometimes has other plans.

Failing can be tough, but it’s an integral part of growth and learning.

Everyone fails at some point. It’s our ability to pick ourselves up and learn from these failures that truly defines us.

7) Lack of empathy

At the heart of most complaints from privileged and entitled individuals is a lack of empathy. They often struggle to understand or relate to the experiences and struggles of those less fortunate.

Whether it’s a lack of understanding about the struggles of poverty, or an inability to comprehend the challenges faced by marginalized groups, this lack of empathy can lead to a disconnect from reality.

Empathy is a crucial human quality that allows us to understand and share the feelings of others.

It’s what connects us as humans. And it’s something we should all strive to cultivate, regardless of our backgrounds or privileges.

Final thoughts

Unraveling the fascinating complexities of human behavior, psychology provides us insight into why certain people act the way they do.

In the case of privileged and entitled individuals, their complaints often stem from a place of unawareness or lack of perspective.

Privilege isn’t inherently bad, but it does come with responsibilities. One of the most crucial ones is to recognize and acknowledge it.

This recognition not only helps in bridging social gaps but also fosters empathy and understanding. It invites introspection – an examination of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and perspectives.

Unwittingly or not, privileged complaints can contribute to social divides. But with self-awareness and empathy, we can all learn to navigate these divides and strive for a more understanding society.

It’s about seeing beyond our own experiences, understanding the struggles of others, and realizing that we all have a role to play in making this world a fairer place.

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Picture of Tara Whitmore

Tara Whitmore

Tara Whitmore is a psychologist based in Melbourne, with a passion for helping people build healthier relationships and navigate life’s emotional ups and downs. Her articles blend practical psychology with relatable insights, offering readers guidance on everything from communication skills to managing stress in everyday life. When Tara isn’t busy writing or working with clients, she loves to unwind by practicing yoga or trying her hand at pottery—anything that lets her get creative and stay mindful.


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