Category: Security

The Hidden Costs of Owning Software

When it comes to evaluating software purchases, the cost of the program itself is only the tip of the iceberg. Most budgets realistically account for

By The Numbers: July 2003

For full infographics, please download the PDF at left. Hail to the Chief—Of Security, That IsThe rise of the chief security officer (CSO) is another

Tool: What Security Can Do For You

The cost to businesses from the SQL Slammer Worm ran into the billions of dollars, according to many analyst estimates. The 376-byte packet of code

The War on Spending

Recent attacks in the West Bank, Riyadh and Casablanca may mean the war on terrorism is far from over. But despite those ominous rumblings, technology

Little Drive Means Big Drama

When an IBM subsidiary set out to refurbish computers storing data for clients, no one could have anticipated the drama that would follow when a

Fight Spam With Spam

David Black has a crazy idea that just might work. Accenture’s senior manager of security technology thinks the best way to cut down on spam

DPI Scrambles After Credit-Card Theft

When Data Processors International (DPI) revealed in February that an “unauthorized outside party” ran off with more than five million Visa and MasterCard account numbers