The Roadway Player Roster

Michael W. Wickham
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Roadway Corp.
Thirty-four years after joining Roadway Express out of college, Wickham has worked everywhere from the freight terminals to the executive suite. He became CEO of Roadway upon its spin-off as a public company in 1996, the year before it began its data warehouse project. Last year he acquired a pair of regional carriers in keeping with Roadway’s new growth strategy.

Robert W. Obee
Chief Information Officer, Roadway Express
Bob Obee is the point man for making technology meet business strategy in everyday usage. A 19-year Roadway veteran with a doctorate in business administration and a background in operations planning and engineering, Obee has maintained Roadway’s build-it-yourself culture since taking the head technology post in 1993.

Dawson Cunningham
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Roadway Corp.
Another longtimer, Cunningham joined Roadway Express in 1985 and became CFO in 1998. Then, he assumed that title at the holding company when it was formed in 2001. Using technology to create a strategic understanding of cost makes him a key supporter and beneficiary of Roadway’s tech strategy.

David M. Pavlich
Director of Applications Development and E-commerce, Roadway Express
Pavlich is responsible for translating the tech vision into the actual material used by the workers, managers and customers of Roadway Express. With nine years on the job in Akron, he provides continuity to the earliest days of the company’s data warehouse.

James R. Rowe
Assistant Vice President of Operations Planning and Engineering, Roadway Express
Rowe works with Obee’s people to provide a precise understanding of how Roadway actually gets its work done, and how it might be able to change its processes.

William McGinley
Director, Pricing Systems, Roadway Express
Getting reliable cost information to the managers who set Roadway’s prices is a critical part of McGinley’s job.


Norman L. Ellis
Vice President of Business Operations, Qualcomm
Ellis, who has a background in trucking and logistics, helped the company succeed in customizing its shipping applications to wireless devices, an area where Roadway had failed several years earlier.

James Damon
Senior Systems Engineer, Computer Corporation of America
Tweaks the powerful Model 204 mainframe system used for Roadway’s transaction processing; helps assess the impact of potential changes on system performance.