Calculating Costs of Implementing an Electronic Medical Data Network

PDF DownloadThis chart and timeline show the total costs of implementing a networkto exchange medical claims data electronically, from the perspective of a health care provider. The example is based on a midsize hospital that must integrate connectivity, routingand data-translation software with its legacy infrastructure and that must be able to accept and output HIPAA-compliant data. This 325-bed hospital employs 3,300 staff and supports 18,000in-patient admissions per year. Project planners may regard these project tasks and line-itemcosts as representative of systems of this size and scope, but should tailor the line items, project tasks and cost estimates to meet their own requirements.

Download our Excel template to cost out a data exchange network.

How do you create a timeline for implementation? Our Microsoft Project 98 template helps you organize the process for you from start to finish.